Healing Modalities
The Craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. A light touch is used to detect and clear any restrictions within the system, encouraging your own natural healing mechanism to remove the negative effects stress has had on the central nervous system. Read more..
There is an electromagnetic energy field around our bodies. This field is measurable and the frequencies of this human energy field correlate with the frequencies of light. What science calls the human energy field or the mind field, some religious traditions call it the auric field, or the aura. Read more..
Reflexology is a protocol of manual techniques, such as thumb and finger-walking, hook and backup and rotating-on-a-point, applied to specific reflex areas predominantly on the feet and hands. These techniques stimulate the complex neural pathways linking body systems, supporting the body’s efforts to function optimally. The effectiveness of reflexology is recognized worldwide by various national health institutions and the public at large as a distinct complementary practice within the holistic health field. Read more..
Acupuncture without Needles
Can you imagine experiencing the benefits of acupuncture AND the blissful healing benefits of reflexology all in one treatment? Now you can, at Heart and Soul! Finding the ROOT cause of what ails you is the protocol of holistic healing and acupuncture is a great tool for finding the root cause. The in-depth study of your meridians, how the seasons, time and your birth all are a factor in your overall health, will help alleviate symptoms and the cause of your symptoms without medication. Read more..
FASCIA is the fabric of creation…The Fascia is a slightly mobile connective tissue, which is derived embryo logically from mesoderm. Fascia surrounds and infuses every organ, muscle, bone, nerve and blood vessel all the way down to the cellular level. Read more..
Somato Emotional Release Work
Our cells, our tissue, are a storehouse of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Our society, in the past, taught us to stuff our feelings, to hide our emotions, to be tough and not cry….to suck it up, move on, let it go…..Read more..
Spiritual Development:
Mind and Body Stress Release – For Anxiety, Fears, Stress, Negative Thought Patterns, Limiting Beliefs ( includes work with dreams)
Our thoughts and feelings create our reality – energy flows where our attention goes. That which we focus on we create – you are the designer of your universe. Read more on Spiritual Development and Divine Matrix Healing.