Our cells, our tissue, are a storehouse of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Our society, in the past, taught us to stuff our feelings, to hide our emotions, to be tough and not cry….to suck it up, move on, let it go…..
Behind every pain is an emotion. Pain is resistance…to….
That pain in your neck… is really about WHO or WHAT is a pain in your neck!
The stiff or frozen shoulder- what are you shouldering?
Learning to be present with what is, with what we are feeling, to be able to identify emotions as they arise, and to acknowledge them, is all part of true healing.
With different types of bodywork, such as Myofascial therapy, CranioSacral or Reflexology, the emotional body is tapped into and thus gently the emotions can arise and be handled in a therapeutic and compassionate way. Just acknowledging, dialoguing (not advising, not counseling) just helping the person to tap into their feelings in a gentle way opens them to deeper healing.