Your electric circuitry is connected with the electric circuitry of the universe, you just have to CONNECT THE DOTS! Gregg Braden, in The Divine Matrix stated this belief many years ago, and since then many healing therapies have manifested.
The therapy that I have been guided to use, has been named, Divine Matrix Healing.
My Motto: REconnect, REalign, REdesign
Reconnecting to Your Divine Self, to your True Self, to your God Self.
I believe my Soul Purpose in this life is to bring people to the Light, the Light within, the Light of God within each person. When “spirit” moved to a new place, the First Day of Creation, ( ie: Flower of Life and the Six days of Creation) a vesica piscis was formed – the intersection of two circles, and God said: “Let there be Light” and there was Light. All life forms are manifested from this consciousness, this energy, and are connected with all other life forms and to the Divine Matrix.
Sometimes it feels as though our Light has dimmed, or maybe it feels as though our Light has gone out. If so, then it is time to Reconnect, Realign, Redesign. Time to Reconnect back to our Divine BluePrint. Time to clear any energies that are blocking us from living in this high vibration state.
I sense/feel a point usually beyond your auric field, and then feel what point in your body it connects to. I REconnect these points- REconnect you to the Universe, REconnect you to the Divine Grid.
Second step is asking your higher self and the guidance system to REalign your electrical body- REalign your circuitry so that it is optimally working, all “dots” vibrating at the highest level that is best for the individual, and the alignment is open and flowing smoothly.
Third step, is REDesign…any thoughts, beliefs and experiences that are blocking you from living in a higher vibration, living from your heart.
The magnitude of energy that runs through us when we are REconnected, REaligned and REdesigned is amazing. The feeling is euphoric as we FLOW with the energy and events of life, living IN the moment and trusting Universe, trusting God, trusting our Higher Self. It truly is a beautiful way to live.
You may notice that in Reflexology we are touching points, ie: dots, lines of energy and meridians.
In CranioSacral work we are touching the lines and flow of energy in your nervous system and energy body and cerebral spinal fluid. Opening, balancing, enhancing the flow of your life force.
In Reiki we are touching into the auric field and the energy of the chakras- spinning vortexes- clearing, cleansing, balancing so REconnecting with the Divine Matrix is optimally aligned.
As you see, there is an interconnectedness in all the healing therapies, An OVERLAP, just like in the Flower of Life- the circles overlap one another, depicting the interconnectedness of all life.
Call Barbara Strassman 781-784-1955 or email [email protected] .