to meditate upon
Truth, for me is experienced on a cellular and energetic level. My physical body responds to a vibration or frequency that elicits a whole body response, within and without. Tingles, a rush of cool air, tears, a shutter, a presence, unexplainable tears of joy and an over whelming feeling of divine love, tell me Truth was just expressed. Honor and trust your personal experiences of Truth.
In deep silence, truly looking within, with absence of thought, we can hear the inner voice whisper. A sense of “knowing” may arise, with or without some of the above sensations. An awakening, a revealing to Self that Truth is the Divine in action.
The time IS NOW! This “knowing” and awakening of the Divine Child within is paramount to our earth and all humanity being saved!
I invite you to join me in
Birthing the Divine Human within yourself!
Below are sacred quotes that when meditated upon, often elicit an experience of MY DIVINITY WITHIN.
- “Where I AM, there God is, and where God is, there I AM”
Climb the Mountain by Mark and Claire Prophet - I am in you and you are in me.
Also translated as: I am they and they are I (meaning, when you become one with the Christ, exemplified by Jesus, you will have attained the Kingdom of God.) – Jesus as stated in Gospel of Thomas and elsewhere
- When we realize the kingdom through the divine spark, we will have achieved divinity.
Reincarnation by Elizabeth Clare ProphetThis correlates to two “messages” I have personally received.
- Spirit is the spark in every beat of my heart
- I AM the spark and the Light of my Holy Christ Self
This second one was a message from Father Bede Griffiths as I meditated in his room at the Ashram of the Trinity on India.
- I AM the Divine child of my Father/Mother God
This is part of a prayer I heard while on a sacred journey in India
- The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created. To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather than separate from it.
The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
- 12th Ray – Universal Law of Oneness – TRANSFORMATION will occur instantly when we integrate our outer personality ( ego) with our true God Self! Then we receive guidance and direction from realms of Illumined Truth that will enable us to fulfill our Divine Purpose and plan.The Next Step by Patricia Cota-Robles
- Remember the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you – Rumi
- Turning within from the externalities and paying full attention to this source, brings about a tremendous change in a man’s life, since for the first time he recognizes that he possesses this divine essence within him. He understands the declaration, “You are “That” to mean “You are Brahman, the Supreme Reality, the Truth, the Self. Whoever engages in such inward exploration becomes an Awakened One, a Buddha.
Be the Self by V. Ganesan , talks given by Sri Ramana Maharshi
- The Ordainer controls the fate of souls in accordance with their parabdhakarma. Whatever is destined not to happen, will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore is to remain silent.
Be the Self by V. Ganesan , talks given by Sri Ramana Maharshi
- Go into emptiness, in prayer/meditation, and grace will rearrange the process.
Father Bede Griffiths - I AM THAT I AM